OPM Web Solutions.

This glossary defines technical terms and concepts, glossary terms are italicized at first mention.


Address Bar A method of opening files that are on the internet or computer. When you type an address in the address bar, you open the file at that address.

Availability Uptime / Plan Represents the percentage of scheduled time that the Work Centre is available to operate. The losses due to wasted availability are accounted to Planned Stops and Unplanned Stops.


Break Scheduled time for a pause in work.

Browse To navigate the internet or contents of your computer.


Capacity Yield / Potential Represents the percentage of yield amount made to potential amount that should of been made.

Cycle The time in seconds to produce one product.

Chart A graphical representation for data visualization, in which the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.


Dashboard Component of an interface that displays a collection of widgets.

Downtime Time during which the Work Centre is out of action or unavailable for use.


E-Mail Electronic messages sent over the internet or a network. E-mails can contain both text and files.

Efficiency Yield / Order Represents the percentage of yield amount made to ordered amount.

Electronic Mail see E-Mail.


Footer A page footer is a small section at the bottom of each page within the web page. It is often used to display company data or copyright information.

Frequency Is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.


Graph see Chart.

Grid see Table.


Header A page header is a small section at the top of each page within the web page. It is often used to display titles and/or other information.

HTML see Hypertext Markup Language.

Hypertext Markup Language see The language used to create web pages. you must use web browsing software to view HTML documents.


Idling, Micro Stops Represents a brief pause in production. This affects the performance part of the OEE calculations.

Internet see A worldwide network of computers. If you have access to the internet, you can retrieve information from millions of sources, including, schools, governments, businesses, and individules.

Item see Product.


Jump To move from one web page to another.


Key Performance Indicators A quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of a process, production, etc. in meeting objectives of performance.

KPI see Key Performance Indicators.


Line see Production Line.

Log on To identify yourself and gain access to a web site or computer. To log on, you typically type a user name and a password.


Maintenance The process of preserving the condition of the work centre.

Moisture Water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapour, within a solid, or condensed on a surface.


Network Two or more connected computers. Networks are used for sharing resources such as documents, programs, and printers.

Null Having no value or is nothing.


OEE see Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

Order The planned amount of customer purchase or replenishment amount.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness Availability × Performance × Quality or (Yield × Cycle) / Plan Is a measure of how well a manufacturing operation is utilized compared to its full potential, during the periods when it is scheduled to run. It identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive.

Overtime Time worked in addition to one's normal working hours.


Performance (Cycle × Volume) / Uptime or (Volume / Uptime) / Theory Represents the speed at which the Work Centre runs as a percentage of its designed speed. The losses due to wasted performance are accounted to Idling, Nano Stops (less than a minute) and Slow Cycle.

Period The total length of time of 24 hours.

Plan (Shift + Overtime) - Break Represents the scheduled time that the Work Centre is available and expected to operate.

Planned Stops Represents scheduled time that the Work Centre is unavailable to operate. This affects the availability part of the OEE calculations.

Potential Uptime × Theory Represents the amount that the Work Centre should of produced over the duration.

Process Defects Represents product that is not right the first time. This affects the quality part of the OEE calculations.

Product Represents a raw material that can be bought and/or sold, or an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

Production Line Is an arrangement in a factory in which a item being manufactured is passed through a set linear sequence of mechanical or manual operations. A Production Line may have one or more Work Centres.


Quality Yield / Volume Represents a percentage of the Process Yield. The losses due to wasted quality are accounted to Process Defects and Startup Rejects.


Refresh To redisplay the contents of a web page or window.


Site An area or a particular place that can be located and identified.

Shift A group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night.

Shutdown Period - Plan Represents when the Work Centre is closed or has no shifts scheduled. Shutdown time is excluded from OEE calculations.

Slow Cycle Represents the speed the Work Centre is running at. This affects the performance part of the OEE calculations.

SQL see Structure Query Language.

Startup Rejects Rejects produced while equipment is adjusted for production. This affects the quality part of the OEE calculations.

Structure Query Language SQL Server relational database mamagement system uses an industrial-standardized language.


Table see A data structure that organizes information into rows and columns. It can be used to both store and display data in a structured format.

TEEP see Total Effective Equipment Performance.

Temperature The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance, object, or air.

Test A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of an item.

Theory The amount of product that can be produced in one minute.

Total Effective Equipment Performance OEE × Utilization Represents a percentage of the schedule losses and equipment losses. The losses due to wasted Total Effective Equipment Performance are accounted to OEE and Utilization.


Unplanned Stops Represents unforeseen stoppages during the period where the Work Centre scheduled to operate. This affects the availability part of the OEE calculations.

Uptime Plan - Downtime Represents the time that the Work Centre is manned and operating.

Utilization Plan / Period Represents a percentage of the schedule losses. The losses due to wasted scheduling are accounted to Shutdown.


Volume The total amount of product including Startup Rejects and Process Defects.


Warehouse A large building or area where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored prior to their distribution for sale.

Web Solution Is an integrated web page software with an SQL backend and a web page frontend.

Weight Scales to determine how heavy an object or quantity of a substance is.

Widget Component of an interface that enables a user to perform a function or access a service in a panel.

Work Centre A physical or logical production area used as a unit for scheduling and routing operations.


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Yield The amount of good product excluding Startup Rejects and Process Defects.


Zero No quantity or number; nought; the figure 0.

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Hexicore Pty Ltd
PO Box 2185
399 Melton Highway

Phone: 0409 591 020
International: +61 409 591 020
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We are a web solutions developer based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Striving for excellence, simplicity and perfection in developing web products.


Nothing is more valuable than customer feedback on our products and services. Our goal is to learn more about your business, so that we can understand how to serve you better.

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Striving for excellence, simplicity and perfect web solutions.